Kiran Dyamenahalli, PhD
Kiran Dyamenahalli, PhDFounding Director
Kiran is a medical student at the University of Colorado and is preparing to start residency training in general surgery in the summer of 2016. He completed his PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Colorado in 2014, with a focus on nanocomposite biomaterials, and BS in Bioengineering at the University of Washington in 2008. Kiran’s interests include technological advancement, in all its forms, surgical practice and research, rock climbing, and classical guitar.
Amin Famili, PhD
Amin Famili, PhDCollaborator
Amin is a post-doctoral research fellow at Genentech, Inc. He earned his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Colorado in 2014, developing polymeric systems for ophthalmic drug delivery. He worked in the Johnson & Johnson Medical Lab as a Process Development Engineer from 2009 to 2010, after earning his BS degree in Bioengineering from Lehigh University in 2009. Amin enjoys soccer and cycling.
Jonathon Parker, MD, PhD
Jonathon Parker, MD, PhDCollaborator
JP is a neurological surgery resident at Stanford University. He completed his MD and PhD degrees at the University of Colorado, studying glioblastoma cell migration. He earned his BS degree from Dartmouth College in 2008. JP enjoys “intense, never-ending pursuits of knowledge, pushing the frontier of medicine, and antique wildebeest pictures.”
Roopali Shah, MS
Roopali Shah, MSCollaborator
Roopali is a Lead Test Engineer at Medtronic, Inc. She previously worked at Dātu Health as a Quality Engineer, after completing her Master’s degree in Bioengineering at the University of Colorado in 2013. There, she focused on surface interactions of polymers in intravascular environments. Roopali earned her Bachelors degree in Biochemistry from the University of Colorado in 2008 and enjoys dancing and travel.